DiscoBall starts and ends with taste and quality that consistently bring satisfaction to all our customers who purchase from us.
They can bring satisfaction every time because only the hand-picked and the finest e-liquids with exquisite flavors are allowed to be listed on our different box.
All you have to do is choose the ones that are the best suited to your unique pallet..
Discoball is collective of vape lovers working to perfect the e-cigarette experience for everyone. While we come from different backgrounds we share the belief that the current vape landscape leaves room for improvement. So we’ve dedicated our know-how, creativity and curation skills to providing every Discoball member the vape they deserve.

For every vaper, DiscoBall has a key to enhancing their experience. Some just want a fragrant alternative to cigarettes and we have plenty of those. Another favorite is the low cost and high convenience of our monthly deliveries. E-cigarette aficionados are like being surprised by a discovery. And some vapers want to expand their perspective in a community of like-minded enthusiasts, artists, and tastemakers through the DiscoBall community. Each reason is the perfect reason to join DiscoBall. It’s high time you took your experience to the next level and Discoball is here to assist you with that.